Link: Character Movement Component Async

Character Movement Component Async Class Documentation


FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInput is a class designed for handling character movement in a game environment, particularly focusing on asynchronous processing. This class is part of the Unreal Engine 5 framework and extends basic character movement functionalities with enhanced network and computational performance capabilities.

Header Inclusions

The FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInput class includes several header files necessary for its operation within the Unreal Engine framework:

  1. CharacterMovementComponentAsyncInput.h: The primary header for the asynchronous character movement component.
  2. GameFramework/CharacterMovementComponent.h: Provides the base functionalities of character movement within the game framework.
  3. GameFramework/Pawn.h: Includes the essential functionalities of a Pawn, which is a type of Actor that can be controlled by players or AI.
  4. PhysicsProxy/SingleParticlePhysicsProxy.h: Supports physics interactions, particularly relevant for handling physics-based movement and interactions.
  5. Components/PrimitiveComponent.h: Includes functionalities for primitive components that are used in the construction of Actors, aiding in character representation and interaction with the environment.
  6. PBDRigidsSolver.h: Pertains to the physics solver for rigid bodies, crucial for realistic physics calculations in character movement.
  7. Engine/World.h: Provides access to the game world, necessary for character interaction with various elements of the game environment.

Additionally, it utilizes a macro UE_INLINE_GENERATED_CPP_BY_NAME(CharacterMovementComponentAsyncInput) for inline generation of specific functionalities.

Class Declaration


The FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInput class is designed to process and simulate character movement asynchronously. This approach is particularly beneficial in networked games or scenarios with high computational demands, as it allows for more responsive and accurate character movements.


  • Simulating Character Movement: Handles the simulation of character movements over time, factoring in game physics and player inputs.
  • Movement Mode Management: Controls different modes of character movement such as walking, falling, and jumping.
  • Interaction with Game World: Manages the character’s interaction with the physical game world, including collisions and physics-based reactions.
  • Asynchronous Processing: Enhances movement responsiveness and accuracy in networked or computationally complex scenarios by processing movements asynchronously.

Documentation for FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInput Member Functions



The Simulate function is responsible for processing the simulation of character movement within a given time frame. This function plays a pivotal role in updating the movement state of the character based on inputs and time delta.


  • DeltaSeconds: A float representing the time step for the simulation.
  • Output: A reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput, where the results of the simulation are stored.


  1. Time Delta Update: The function begins by updating the Output.DeltaTime with DeltaSeconds.
  2. Role Check: It checks the character’s role in the network (e.g., autonomous proxy, simulated proxy) to determine the appropriate movement handling.
  3. Controlled Movement: If the character is locally controlled, it calls ControlledCharacterMove to process the movement specifically for controlled characters.
  4. Simulation Proxy Role: For characters in the role of ROLE_SimulatedProxy, it ensures a certain condition is false, which might be related to error handling or specific game logic.



This function manages the movement of characters that are under local control, factoring in player inputs and game physics.


  • DeltaSeconds: A float representing the time step for the movement calculation.
  • Output: A reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput for storing the results.


  1. Jump State Check: Initially checks the character’s jump state before adjusting input acceleration, ensuring responsiveness and accuracy in jump mechanics.
  2. Acceleration Application: Applies input to the character’s acceleration, scaling and constraining it as necessary.
  3. Analog Input Modifier: Computes an analog input modifier based on the output acceleration.
  4. Perform Movement: Calls PerformMovement to carry out the actual movement logic.



PerformMovement is the core function that handles various aspects of character movement, including walking, falling, root motion application, and physics interactions.


  • DeltaSeconds: A float representing the time step for the movement.
  • Output: A reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput for outputting the movement results.


  1. Initial Setup: Sets up initial movement parameters and checks conditions like movement mode and ground status.
  2. Root Motion Updates: Updates and applies root motion to the character’s velocity.
  3. Jump Input Clearing: Clears jump input to allow for subsequent movement events.
  4. New Physics Start: Initiates new physics calculations based on the movement mode.
  5. Character State Update: Updates the character’s state after movement, including rotation if allowed during root motion.
  6. Root Motion Application: Applies root motion rotation after movement completion.
  7. Path Following: Consumes path-following requested velocity and updates relevant movement flags.
  8. Final State Update: Updates the final location, rotation, and velocity of the character.



The StartNewPhysics function initiates a new series of physics calculations based on the current movement mode of the character. It is a central part of the physics simulation process, ensuring that character movements align with the physical rules of the game world.


  • deltaTime: A float representing the time step for the physics calculation.
  • Iterations: An int32 indicating the number of iterations for the physics simulation.
  • Output: A reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput for outputting physics simulation results.


  1. Initial Checks: Ensures that the deltaTime is sufficient and the maximum number of iterations is not exceeded. It also checks if the character has valid data for physics simulation.
  2. Movement Mode Handling: Depending on the character’s movement mode (e.g., walking, falling), it calls the respective physics function like PhysWalking or PhysFalling.
  3. Movement Mode Change: If necessary, the movement mode is changed to MOVE_None.



PhysWalking handles the physics of character movement when the character is in the walking state. It manages ground interactions, steps, slopes, and other factors influencing walking movement.


  • deltaTime: A float representing the time step for walking physics.
  • Iterations: An int32 for the number of iterations.
  • Output: A reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput for walking physics results.


  1. Initial Setup: Sets up velocity and acceleration for walking.
  2. Collision Handling: Manages collision detection and response during walking.
  3. Step Up Handling: Processes the character’s ability to step up onto ledges or obstacles.
  4. Floor Checking: Continuously checks for the floor to ensure the character remains grounded.
  5. Velocity Maintenance: Maintains or adjusts the character’s velocity based on the walking movement.



This function manages the physics when the character is in a falling state, typically after a jump or when losing ground contact. It deals with gravity, air control, and landing logic.


  • deltaTime: A float representing the time step for falling physics.
  • Iterations: An int32 for the number of iterations.
  • Output: A reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput for outputting falling physics results.


  1. Gravity Application: Applies gravity to the character, affecting the fall speed.
  2. Air Control: Manages the degree of control the character has while in the air.
  3. Collision Detection: Detects collisions during the fall and determines if the character lands on a walkable surface.
  4. Landing Process: Handles the transition from falling to landing, adjusting the character’s state and velocity accordingly.



The PhysicsRotation function is responsible for adjusting the character’s rotation based on their current movement and orientation preferences. This function plays a crucial role in ensuring that the character’s rotation aligns with their movement direction and user input.


  • DeltaTime: A float representing the time step for the rotation calculation.
  • Output: A reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput, where the results of the rotation adjustment are stored.


  1. Rotation Mode Check: Determines if the character should orient its rotation to the movement direction or follow the controller’s desired rotation.
  2. Current Rotation Calculation: Computes the current rotation of the character.
  3. Desired Rotation Determination: Based on the character’s settings, calculates the desired rotation either towards the movement direction or as specified by the controller.
  4. Vertical Alignment: If required, adjusts the rotation to keep the character vertically aligned (e.g., upright).
  5. Rotation Application: Applies the calculated rotation to the character, ensuring smooth and responsive changes in direction.



MoveAlongFloor handles the character’s movement along a walkable floor. It ensures that the character moves correctly on slopes and steps, adhering to the game world’s physics.


  • InVelocity: A FVector representing the character’s intended velocity.
  • DeltaSeconds: A float representing the time step for the movement.
  • OutStepDownResult: A pointer to FStepDownResult, storing results of any step down actions during movement.
  • Output: A reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput for movement results.


  1. Walkable Floor Check: Verifies if the current surface is walkable.
  2. Movement Delta Calculation: Computes the movement delta based on the character’s velocity and the floor’s characteristics.
  3. Collision Handling: Detects and responds to collisions encountered during movement.
  4. Step Handling: Processes the ability to step over small obstacles or changes in elevation.
  5. Surface Adaptation: Adjusts the character’s movement to conform to the surface’s slope or irregularities.



The ComputeGroundMovementDelta function calculates the movement delta for ground-based movement, taking into account the surface’s slope and the character’s movement direction.


  • Delta: A FVector representing the desired movement delta.
  • RampHit: A FHitResult containing information about any contact with a ramp-like surface.
  • bHitFromLineTrace: A bool indicating whether the contact with the surface was determined through a line trace.
  • Output: A reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput for the results.


  1. Surface Angle Check: Determines if the surface angle is within a walkable range.
  2. Parallel Movement Calculation: If on a slope, calculates movement that is parallel to the surface.
  3. Movement Adaptation: Depending on the character’s settings, adapts the movement to either maintain or adjust its horizontal velocity in response to the surface slope.



CanCrouchInCurrentState determines whether the character is able to crouch based on the current movement state and game settings. This function is vital for gameplay mechanics that involve crouching or stealth movements.


  • Output: A reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput, which contains the current movement state and other relevant data.


  1. Crouch Capability Check: Verifies if the character is generally capable of crouching based on game settings.
  2. Movement State Assessment: Determines if the current movement state (e.g., walking, falling) permits crouching.
  3. Crouch Feasibility: Returns a boolean indicating whether crouching is feasible at the current moment.



The MaintainHorizontalGroundVelocity function ensures that the character’s horizontal velocity is maintained while moving on the ground. This is crucial for creating a natural and consistent movement experience, particularly when navigating uneven terrain.


  • Output: A reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput, containing the character’s current velocity and movement state.


  1. Vertical Velocity Check: Inspects if there’s any vertical component in the character’s velocity.
  2. Horizontal Velocity Maintenance: If required, adjusts the character’s velocity to maintain its horizontal component while removing or recalculating the vertical component.



MoveUpdatedComponent moves the character’s component based on the provided delta and rotation. It is a fundamental function for translating character input and physics calculations into actual movement within the game world.


  • Delta: A FVector representing the desired movement.
  • NewRotation: A FQuat indicating the new rotation for the character.
  • bSweep: A bool indicating whether to perform a sweep test when moving.
  • Output: A reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput for the results of the move.
  • OutHitResult: An optional pointer to FHitResult to store any hit results from the move.
  • TeleportType: An ETeleportType enum value specifying the type of teleportation, if any, to use during the move.


  1. Directional Constraint: Applies any necessary constraints to the movement direction.
  2. Component Movement: Executes the movement of the character’s component, taking into account collision detection and response.
  3. Hit Result Processing: Optionally processes any hit results from the movement, providing information about collisions or interactions with the game world.



SafeMoveUpdatedComponent is responsible for safely moving the character’s component, taking into account potential collisions and obstacles. It ensures that the character’s movement respects the physical environment and game world boundaries.


  • Delta: A FVector indicating the movement delta.
  • NewRotation: A FQuat specifying the new rotation for the character.
  • bSweep: A bool flag indicating whether to perform collision detection during the move.
  • OutHit: An FHitResult structure to store information about any collisions encountered.
  • Output: A reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput for outputting results.
  • Teleport: An ETeleportType enum value specifying the type of teleportation, if any, to use during the move.


  1. Movement Execution: Attempts to move the character’s component according to the specified delta and rotation.
  2. Collision Handling: If a collision is detected (when bSweep is true), the function processes the collision and adjusts the movement accordingly.
  3. Penetration Resolution: If the movement results in penetration (overlapping another object), the function attempts to resolve it and retry the move.



ApplyAccumulatedForces applies forces that have been accumulated over time to the character’s movement. This includes impulses and continuous forces, which can affect the character’s velocity and trajectory.


  • DeltaSeconds: A float representing the time step over which the forces are applied.
  • Output: A reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput where the results of force application are stored.


  1. Force Application: Adds any pending impulses and scaled forces to the character’s velocity.
  2. Special Handling for Ground Movement: If the character is on the ground and the applied forces result in an upward movement, the function may transition the character to a falling state.
  3. Force Clearance: Clears the accumulated forces to prevent them from being applied repeatedly.



SetMovementMode sets the movement mode of the character, changing how the character interacts with the game world based on their current state, such as walking, falling, or flying.


  • NewMovementMode: An EMovementMode enum value representing the new movement mode.
  • Output: A reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput for updating the character’s movement state.
  • NewCustomMode: An optional uint8 for specifying a custom sub-mode within the primary movement mode.


  1. Mode Validation: Ensures the new mode is valid and appropriate for the current game context.
  2. Mode Transition: Updates the character’s movement mode to the new mode, handling any necessary adjustments or initializations.
  3. Post-Mode-Change Handling: Performs additional logic that may be required after changing the movement mode, such as updating physics or animation states.

OnMovementModeChanged Method


The OnMovementModeChanged method is responsible for updating the character’s state and movement parameters when there is a change in the movement mode, such as transitioning from walking to falling.


  • PreviousMovementMode: The movement mode the character was in before the change.
  • PreviousCustomMode: A custom mode value associated with the previous movement mode.
  • Output: Reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput, where the resulting state and movement parameters are stored.


  • Checks if valid data is present; if not, the function returns early.
  • Updates collision settings if transitioning to or from navigation walking (MOVE_NavWalking).
  • Adjusts velocity, maintains base location, and updates the ground movement mode when changing to walking (MOVE_Walking).
  • Clears current floor information and resets base-related properties when transitioning to other movement modes like falling (MOVE_Falling) or none (MOVE_None).

FindFloor Method


FindFloor determines if there is a floor beneath the character, and if so, it characterizes that floor based on its properties.


  • CapsuleLocation: The location of the character’s capsule component.
  • OutFloorResult: The result of the floor finding, including information about the floor’s properties.
  • bCanUseCachedLocation: A flag indicating if cached location data can be used.
  • Output: Reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput.
  • DownwardSweepResult: Optional parameter providing results from a previous downward sweep.


  • If collision is disabled or no valid data is present, the method returns early, indicating no floor.
  • Adjusts the floor search parameters based on whether the character is moving on the ground.
  • Performs a sweep test to find the floor if conditions like teleportation or forced floor check are met.
  • Validates the floor result and makes adjustments if necessary, such as checking for perchable surfaces.

ComputeFloorDist Method


ComputeFloorDist calculates the distance from the character to the floor and determines the floor’s properties, including whether it’s walkable.


  • CapsuleLocation: The location of the character’s capsule component.
  • LineDistance: The maximum distance for line trace checks.
  • SweepDistance: The maximum distance for sweep checks.
  • OutFloorResult: The result of the floor computation.
  • SweepRadius: The radius used for sweep checks.
  • Output: Reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput.
  • DownwardSweepResult: Optional results from a previous downward sweep.


  • Clears the previous floor result and calculates the character’s size for collision checks.
  • Performs a sweep test if conditions are met, such as no valid previous sweep result being provided.
  • Conducts a line trace to find the floor if the sweep doesn’t provide a blocking hit.
  • Determines whether the detected floor is walkable based on the hit result.

FloorSweepTest Method


FloorSweepTest conducts a sweep test to detect the floor beneath the character, considering the character’s shape and collision settings.


  • OutHit: The hit result of the sweep test.
  • Start: The starting location of the sweep.
  • End: The ending location of the sweep.
  • TraceChannel: The collision channel to use for the sweep.
  • CollisionShape: The shape used for the sweep.
  • Params: The collision query parameters.
  • ResponseParam: The collision response parameters.
  • Output: Reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput.


  • Determines whether to perform a standard capsule sweep or a flat base check, based on the bUseFlatBaseForFloorChecks flag.
  • Executes the sweep test using the world’s collision system.
  • Optionally performs the test with a box shape if the flat base check is enabled.

IsWithinEdgeTolerance Method


IsWithinEdgeTolerance checks if a point (usually from a hit result) is within a specified tolerance from the edge of the character’s capsule.


  • CapsuleLocation: The center location of the character’s capsule.
  • TestImpactPoint: The point to test against the capsule edge.
  • CapsuleRadius: The radius of the character’s capsule.


  • Computes the 2D distance squared from the capsule’s center to the test impact point.
  • Compares this distance against a calculated tolerance radius, determining if the impact point is within edge tolerance.
  • Returns true if the impact point is within the tolerance, indicating it’s near the edge of the capsule.

IsWalkable Method


The IsWalkable method determines if a surface, based on the hit result from collision detection, is walkable for the character.


  • Hit: The hit result from a collision check which contains information about the surface.


  • Checks if the hit result is a valid blocking hit; if not, the surface is considered non-walkable.
  • Ensures that the surface is not excessively steep by comparing the surface normal’s Z-component to a predefined walkable floor angle (stored in WalkableFloorZ).
  • Returns true if the surface is not too steep, otherwise false.

UpdateCharacterStateAfterMovement Method


UpdateCharacterStateAfterMovement updates the character’s state, like crouching, after movement has occurred.


  • DeltaSeconds: The time elapsed since the last movement update.
  • Output: Reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput, used to update the character’s state.


  • Checks the character’s role and updates the crouched state if necessary.
  • This method is specifically designed to handle state changes in non-proxy characters.

GetSimulationTimeStep Method


GetSimulationTimeStep computes the time step to be used for the physics simulation, ensuring that the simulation remains stable under various conditions.


  • RemainingTime: The remaining time for which the simulation needs to be run.
  • Iterations: The number of iterations the simulation has already performed.


  • Adjusts the RemainingTime if it exceeds the maximum allowed time step (MaxSimulationTimeStep), to avoid large time steps that can lead to instability.
  • The method ensures the time step is not smaller than a minimum threshold (MIN_TICK_TIME) to avoid potential divide-by-zero errors.
  • Returns the computed time step to be used for the simulation.

CalcVelocity Method


CalcVelocity calculates the character’s velocity based on factors like acceleration, friction, and applied braking.


  • DeltaTime: The time elapsed since the last update.
  • Friction: The friction coefficient affecting the character’s movement.
  • bFluid: A flag indicating if the character is moving through a fluid, affecting drag.
  • BrakingDeceleration: The deceleration applied when the character is braking.
  • Output: Reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput, containing the resulting velocity.


  • Handles cases where velocity calculation should not occur, like when root motion is used.
  • Applies friction and deceleration to adjust the character’s velocity.
  • Handles acceleration, including forced acceleration, based on the character’s current state and movement requests.
  • Caps the velocity based on maximum speed limits, considering various movement modes and conditions.

ApplyRequestedMove Method


ApplyRequestedMove processes a requested movement, adjusting the character’s acceleration and velocity accordingly.


  • DeltaTime: The time elapsed since the last movement update.
  • MaxAccel: The maximum allowed acceleration.
  • MaxSpeed: The maximum allowed speed.
  • Friction: The friction coefficient affecting movement.
  • BrakingDeceleration: The deceleration applied when braking.
  • OutAcceleration: Output parameter for the resulting acceleration.
  • OutRequestedSpeed: Output parameter for the requested speed after processing.
  • Output: Reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput.


  • Processes the character’s requested velocity if available (Output.bHasRequestedVelocity).
  • Computes the requested movement direction and speed, considering the maximum speed and acceleration limits.
  • Determines the appropriate acceleration to reach the requested velocity, considering current speed and direction.
  • Applies the computed acceleration and velocity adjustments to the character’s movement output.
  • Returns true if a requested move was applied, otherwise false.

FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInput Documentation

ShouldComputeAccelerationToReachRequestedVelocity Method


Determines whether acceleration should be computed to reach a specified requested velocity during character movement.


  • RequestedSpeed: The speed that the character is trying to achieve.
  • Output: Reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput containing the character’s current movement state.


  • Compares the character’s current velocity against the requested speed.
  • If the current velocity is less than the requested speed (with a small buffer), returns true to indicate that acceleration calculation is necessary.
  • Otherwise, returns false, suggesting direct velocity adjustment can be used.

GetMinAnalogSpeed Method


Retrieves the minimum analog speed for the character based on the current movement mode.


  • Output: Reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput containing the current movement mode.


  • Switches based on the character’s current movement mode (Output.MovementMode).
  • Returns MinAnalogWalkSpeed for walking, navigation walking, and falling modes.
  • Returns 0.f for other movement modes, indicating no minimum analog speed is applicable.

GetMaxBrakingDeceleration Method


Provides the maximum braking deceleration value for the character based on the current movement mode.


  • Output: Reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput containing the current movement mode.


  • Switches based on the character’s current movement mode (Output.MovementMode).
  • Returns different deceleration values for walking, falling, swimming, and flying modes, each defined by respective member variables like BrakingDecelerationWalking.
  • Returns 0.f for custom and none movement modes, indicating no braking deceleration.

ApplyVelocityBraking Method


Applies braking to the character’s velocity to slow down or stop, based on current friction and braking deceleration.


  • DeltaTime: The time elapsed since the last update.
  • Friction: The friction coefficient affecting movement.
  • BrakingDeceleration: The deceleration applied when braking.
  • Output: Reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput containing the character’s velocity.


  • Checks for conditions where braking should not be applied, such as zero velocity or when root motion is active.
  • Applies a braking force to the character’s velocity, influenced by friction and deceleration parameters.
  • Ensures velocity does not reverse direction during braking.
  • Clamps velocity to zero if it falls below a small threshold or if the character is effectively stopped.

GetPenetrationAdjustment Method


Calculates an adjustment vector to resolve penetration with another object, based on the hit result from a collision.


  • HitResult: The hit result from a collision, providing details about the penetration.


  • Determines the penetration depth and calculates a vector to move the character out of penetration.
  • Adjusts the vector’s magnitude based on character’s role (e.g., proxy or not) and the type of object penetrated (geometry or pawn).
  • Clamps the adjustment vector to a maximum size defined by MaxDepenetrationWithGeometry or related variables.
  • Returns the calculated adjustment vector.

FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInput Documentation

ResolvePenetration Method


Resolves penetration of the character’s collision component with world geometry or other objects.


  • ProposedAdjustment: Vector proposing how to adjust the character’s position to resolve penetration.
  • Hit: Hit result containing information about the penetration.
  • NewRotation: Proposed new rotation of the character.
  • Output: Reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput.


  • Tries resolving penetration without causing new overlaps.
  • Attempts various strategies if initial resolution fails, like adjusting position and rotation.
  • Combines multiple Minimum Translation Distance (MTD) results for better resolution.
  • Returns true if successfully resolved, else false.

MoveComponent_GetPenetrationAdjustment Method


Calculates a penetration adjustment vector from the collision hit result.


  • Hit: Hit result from a collision.


  • Calculates adjustment vector based on penetration depth and a pullback distance.
  • Ensures the vector is constrained to the movement plane.
  • Returns the computed adjustment vector.

MoveComponent_SlideAlongSurface Method


Manages character sliding along a surface after a collision.


  • Delta: Attempted movement delta.
  • Time: Fraction of the movement timestep.
  • Normal: Normal of the surface for sliding.
  • Hit: Collision hit result.
  • Output: Reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput.
  • bHandleImpact: Flag to handle impact events.


  • Calculates new movement delta for sliding.
  • Performs a safe movement update with the new delta.
  • Adjusts velocity after a secondary collision.

MoveComponent_ComputeSlideVector Method


Computes the vector for sliding along a surface during collision.


  • Delta: Movement delta before the collision.
  • Time: Time fraction of the movement step.
  • Normal: Normal of the collision surface.
  • Hit: Collision hit result.
  • Output: Reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput.


  • Projects the Delta onto the plane defined by the Normal.
  • Adjusts the projected vector based on movement constraints.
  • Returns the computed slide vector.

SlideAlongSurface Method


Wrapper for MoveComponent_SlideAlongSurface, tailored for character movement.


  • Delta: Movement delta.
  • Time: Time fraction of the movement step.
  • InNormal: Normal of the collision surface.
  • Hit: Collision hit result.
  • bHandleImpact: Flag to handle impact events.
  • Output: Reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput.


  • Adapts normal for ground movement, preventing upward pushes on steep surfaces.
  • Calls MoveComponent_SlideAlongSurface with adjusted parameters.
  • Returns the fraction of Delta applied during the slide.

ComputeSlideVector Method


Calculates the slide vector for character movement.


  • Delta: Original movement delta.
  • Time: Time fraction of the movement step.
  • Normal: Normal of the collision surface.
  • Hit: Collision hit result.
  • Output: Reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput.


  • Invokes MoveComponent_ComputeSlideVector for initial computation.
  • Handles slope boosting adjustments for falling movement.
  • Returns the final adjusted slide vector.

Private Helper Methods

FUpdatedComponentAsyncInput::MoveComponent Method


Manages the movement of the component in the world, handling collisions and overlaps.


  • Delta: The vector by which to move the component.
  • NewRotationQuat: The new rotation for the component after moving.
  • bSweep: Flag to determine if sweep tests should be used for collision detection.
  • OutHit: Optional parameter to store the result of a collision hit.
  • MoveFlags: Flags controlling the movement behavior.
  • Teleport: Specifies the type of teleport, if any, to be used during movement.
  • Input: Reference to FUpdatedComponentAsyncInput containing the current movement state.
  • Output: Reference to FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInputOutput.


  • Adjusts the component’s position and rotation based on Delta and NewRotationQuat.
  • Performs collision checks if bSweep is true and resolves any collisions encountered.
  • Manages overlapping components and triggers appropriate events.
  • Returns true if the component successfully moved, otherwise false.

FUpdatedComponentAsyncInput::AreSymmetricRotations Method


Checks if two rotations are symmetric, considering the scale of the component.


  • A, B: The two rotations to compare.
  • Scale3D: The scale of the component.


  • Compares the Z-axis of both rotations to determine if they are symmetrical.
  • Returns true if the rotations are symmetrical, otherwise false.

FUpdatedComponentAsyncInput::PullBackHit Method


Adjusts a hit result to account for the desired distance from the surface hit.


  • Hit: The hit result from a collision.
  • Start, End: Start and end points of the trace that resulted in the hit.
  • Dist: The distance of the trace.


  • Modifies the Time property of the hit result to pull back the hit location from the surface.
  • Ensures the adjusted hit result remains within valid bounds.

FUpdatedComponentAsyncInput::ShouldCheckOverlapFlagToQueueOverlaps Method


Determines whether overlap flags should be checked to queue overlaps during movement.


  • ThisComponent: The component being checked for overlaps.


  • Checks if the current movement requires overlap events to be flagged.
  • Returns true if overlaps need to be queued, otherwise false.

FUpdatedComponentAsyncInput::ShouldIgnoreHitResult Method


Decides whether a hit result should be ignored based on movement direction and other conditions.


  • InWorld: The world in which the movement occurs.
  • TestHit: The hit result to be evaluated.
  • MovementDirDenormalized: The direction of movement.
  • MovingActor: The actor that is moving.
  • MoveFlags: Flags controlling movement behavior.


  • Evaluates the hit result against various conditions, like “ignore bases” and moving out of penetration.
  • Returns true if the hit result should be ignored, otherwise false.

FUpdatedComponentAsyncInput::ShouldIgnoreOverlapResult Method


Determines if an overlap result should be ignored based on the actors and components involved.


  • World: The world context.
  • ThisActor: The actor performing the movement.
  • ThisComponent: The component involved in the overlap.
  • OtherActor: The other actor involved in the overlap.
  • OtherComponent: The other component involved in the overlap.


  • Checks if the overlap result is relevant or should be ignored based on the actors and components involved.
  • Returns true if the overlap should be ignored, otherwise false.



The HandleSlopeBoosting method adjusts the character’s movement when sliding on slopes. It modifies the slide result based on the character’s movement delta, time, surface normal, and hit result.


  • const FVector& SlideResult: The result of the slide movement on the slope.
  • const FVector& Delta: The movement delta.
  • const float Time: The time factor in the movement.
  • const FVector& Normal: The normal of the sliding surface.
  • const FHitResult& Hit: The hit result from the collision detection.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: The output containing movement data.


  • FVector: The adjusted result of the slide movement.



OnCharacterStuckInGeometry is triggered when the character is detected to be stuck in geometry. It updates the character’s movement state to reflect that they are stuck.


  • const FHitResult* Hit: Pointer to the hit result that indicates the character is stuck.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: The output structure where the character’s movement state is updated.


  • None (void method).



CanStepUp determines whether the character can step up onto an encountered surface based on the hit result and current movement mode.


  • const FHitResult& Hit: The hit result from collision detection.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: The output containing the current movement mode.


  • bool: true if the character can step up onto the surface, false otherwise.



StepUp executes the logic for stepping up onto a surface. It considers factors like gravity direction, movement delta, hit result, and the character’s capsule dimensions.


  • const FVector& GravDir: The direction of gravity.
  • const FVector& Delta: The movement delta.
  • const FHitResult& InHit: The hit result from collision detection.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: The output structure for the movement.
  • FStepDownResult* OutStepDownResult: (Optional) Result of stepping down from the surface.


  • bool: true if the step-up action is successful, false otherwise.



CanWalkOffLedges checks if the character is allowed to walk off ledges based on their crouching state and a configurable setting.


  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: The output containing the character’s crouching state.


  • bool: true if the character can walk off ledges, false otherwise.



GetLedgeMove determines the movement direction when the character is near a ledge. It checks for possible ledge movement in different directions.


  • const FVector& OldLocation: The character’s previous location.
  • const FVector& Delta: The movement delta.
  • const FVector& GravDir: The direction of gravity.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: The output structure for movement data.


  • FVector: The direction vector for ledge movement.



CheckLedgeDirection checks if a given direction is viable for ledge movement. It performs collision checks to determine if the character can move in that direction without falling.


  • const FVector& OldLocation: The character’s previous location.
  • const FVector& SideStep: The sidestep direction to check.
  • const FVector& GravDir: The direction of gravity.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: The output structure for movement data.


  • bool: true if the direction is viable for ledge movement, false otherwise.



GetPawnCapsuleExtent retrieves the extent of the character’s capsule component. It considers shrinkage parameters to provide the actual capsule extent.


  • const EShrinkCapsuleExtent ShrinkMode: The mode of capsule shrinkage.
  • const float CustomShrinkAmount: The amount by which the capsule should be shrunk.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: The output containing the character’s capsule dimensions.


  • FVector: The extent of the character’s capsule.



The TwoWallAdjust method adjusts the character’s movement when colliding with two walls. It recalculates the movement delta to ensure the character slides along the surface without penetrating or stopping abruptly.


  • FVector& OutDelta: The movement delta to be adjusted.
  • const FHitResult& Hit: The hit result from the latest collision.
  • const FVector& OldHitNormal: The normal of the previously collided surface.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing the movement data.


  • None (void method), but OutDelta is modified.



RevertMove is used to revert the character’s position to a previous state. This method is typically called when a movement attempt fails due to collisions or other constraints.


  • const FVector& OldLocation: The previous location of the character to revert to.
  • UPrimitiveComponent* OldBase: The previous base component the character was standing on.
  • const FVector& PreviousBaseLocation: The previous location of the base component.
  • const FFindFloorResult& OldFloor: The previous floor result.
  • bool bFailMove: Indicates whether the move should be marked as failed.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure for the movement state.


  • None (void method).



HandleWalkingOffLedge manages the character’s behavior when they walk off a ledge, such as transitioning to a falling state and adjusting movement based on the ledge’s characteristics.


  • const FVector& PreviousFloorImpactNormal: The normal of the floor impact before walking off the ledge.
  • const FVector& PreviousFloorContactNormal: The normal of the floor contact before the ledge.
  • const FVector& PreviousLocation: The character’s location before walking off the ledge.
  • float TimeDelta: The time delta for the movement frame.


  • None (void method).



StartFalling initiates the falling state for the character. It calculates the remaining time and adjusts the movement mode to falling.


  • int32 Iterations: Number of movement iterations.
  • float remainingTime: Remaining time for the movement frame.
  • float timeTick: The time tick for the movement frame.
  • const FVector& Delta: The movement delta.
  • const FVector& subLoc: The sub-location for the movement.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure for the movement state.


  • None (void method).



SetBaseFromFloor sets the character’s movement base from the floor result. It determines whether the character is standing on a walkable floor and updates the movement base accordingly.


  • const FFindFloorResult& FloorResult: The result of the floor check.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing the new movement base and owner.


  • None (void method).



AdjustFloorHeight adjusts the character’s height based on the floor result. It ensures the character maintains a consistent distance from the floor surface.


  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing the current floor data and the character’s position.


  • None (void method).



ComputePerchResult calculates if the character can perch on an edge. It uses the test radius, hit result, and maximum floor distance to determine if perching is possible.


  • const float TestRadius: The radius to test for perching.
  • const FHitResult& InHit: The hit result from collision detection.
  • const float InMaxFloorDist: The maximum distance to the floor for perching.
  • FFindFloorResult& OutPerchFloorResult: The result of the perch test.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure for movement data.


  • bool: true if the character can perch on the edge, false otherwise.



GetPerchRadiusThreshold retrieves the threshold radius for perching. This value determines how close to an edge the character must be to perch.


  • None.


  • float: The threshold radius for perching.



GetFallingLateralAcceleration calculates the lateral acceleration of the character while in a falling state. It factors in air control and other conditions affecting movement during free fall.


  • float DeltaTime: The time elapsed since the last update.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing acceleration and other movement data.


  • FVector: The calculated lateral acceleration vector during falling.



LimitAirControl limits the character’s air control based on current conditions, such as collision normals and landing spot validity. It modifies the fall acceleration to prevent unrealistic movement in air.


  • float DeltaTime: The time elapsed since the last update.
  • const FVector& FallAcceleration: The current fall acceleration.
  • const FHitResult& HitResult: The hit result from collision detection.
  • bool bCheckForValidLandingSpot: Flag to check for a valid landing spot.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing movement data.


  • FVector: The modified air control acceleration vector.



NewFallVelocity calculates the new velocity of the character during a fall, taking into account gravity and other factors.


  • const FVector& InitialVelocity: The initial velocity at the start of the fall.
  • const FVector& Gravity: The gravity vector affecting the fall.
  • float DeltaTime: The time elapsed since the last update.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure for the new velocity.


  • FVector: The updated falling velocity.



IsValidLandingSpot checks if a given location is a valid spot for the character to land on. It considers factors like walkable surfaces and the character’s capsule size.


  • const FVector& CapsuleLocation: The location of the character’s capsule.
  • const FHitResult& Hit: The hit result from collision detection.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure with movement and character data.


  • bool: true if the landing spot is valid, false otherwise.



ProcessLanded handles the character’s landing logic after falling. It updates physics settings and initiates new movement physics based on the landing.


  • const FHitResult& Hit: The hit result from landing.
  • float remainingTime: Remaining time for the movement frame.
  • int32 Iterations: Number of movement iterations.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure for the movement state.


  • None (void method).



SetPostLandedPhysics sets the physics properties of the character immediately after landing. It updates movement modes and other related settings.


  • const FHitResult& Hit: The hit result from landing.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure for the movement state and mode.


  • None (void method).



ShouldCheckForValidLandingSpot determines whether the character should check for a valid landing spot based on current movement and collision data.


  • float DeltaTime: The time elapsed since the last update.
  • const FVector& Delta: The movement delta.
  • const FHitResult& Hit: The hit result from collision detection.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure with movement data.


  • bool: true if a valid landing spot check is necessary, false otherwise.



ShouldRemainVertical checks if the character should maintain a vertical orientation during movement. This is typically true when walking or falling.


  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing the character’s movement mode.


  • bool: true if the character should remain vertical, false otherwise.

25. CanAttemptJump


CanAttemptJump determines if the character is in a suitable state to attempt a jump. This includes checks for jump permissions, the current movement mode, and crouching status.


  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing details about the character’s current state and movement mode.


  • bool: true if a jump can be attempted, false otherwise.



DoJump executes the jumping logic for the character. It sets the character’s vertical velocity and changes the movement mode to falling if the jump is successful.


  • bool bReplayingMoves: Indicates whether the movement is being replayed (for network correction, for example).
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure where the character’s velocity and movement mode are updated.


  • bool: true if the jump is successfully initiated, false otherwise.



IsJumpAllowed checks if the character is allowed to jump based on the character’s navigation and movement state properties.


  • None.


  • bool: true if jumping is allowed, false otherwise.



GetMaxSpeed retrieves the maximum speed of the character based on the current movement mode, such as walking, swimming, or flying.


  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing the character’s current movement mode.


  • float: The maximum speed applicable to the current movement mode.



IsCrouching checks if the character is currently in a crouching state.


  • const FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing the character’s crouching status.


  • bool: true if the character is crouching, false otherwise.



IsFalling checks if the character is currently in a falling state. This typically means the character is not grounded and is affected by gravity.


  • const FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing the character’s movement mode.


  • bool: true if the character is falling, false otherwise.



IsFlying checks if the character is currently in a flying state. This is typically used for characters that have a flying movement mode enabled.


  • const FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing the character’s movement mode.


  • bool: true if the character is flying, false otherwise.



IsMovingOnGround checks if the character is currently moving on the ground. This is used to determine if the character is walking or navigating on walkable surfaces.


  • const FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing the character’s movement mode.


  • bool: true if the character is moving on the ground, false otherwise.



IsExceedingMaxSpeed checks if the character’s current velocity exceeds a specified maximum speed limit. This method is useful for enforcing speed constraints in various movement modes.


  • float MaxSpeed: The maximum speed limit to check against.
  • const FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing the character’s current velocity.


  • bool: true if the current speed exceeds the specified maximum, false otherwise.



ComputeOrientToMovementRotation calculates the rotation that the character should have based on its current movement direction. This method is essential for orienting characters in the direction they are moving.


  • const FRotator& CurrentRotation: The current rotation of the character.
  • float DeltaTime: The time elapsed since the last update.
  • FRotator& DeltaRotation: The rotation delta to be applied.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing the character’s acceleration and desired movement direction.


  • FRotator: The new rotation aligned with the direction of movement.



RestorePreAdditiveRootMotionVelocity restores the character’s velocity to its state before any additive root motion was applied. This is crucial for maintaining consistent movement physics when using root motion animations.


  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing the character’s velocity and root motion flags.


  • None (void method).



ApplyRootMotionToVelocity applies the effects of root motion to the character’s velocity. This includes handling override and additive root motion from animations.


  • float deltaTime: The time elapsed since the last update.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing the character’s velocity and root motion data.


  • None (void method).



ConstrainAnimRootMotionVelocity constrains the velocity generated by animated root motion. It ensures that the character’s vertical velocity is not overridden when in a falling state.


  • const FVector& RootMotionVelocity: The velocity generated by root motion animation.
  • const FVector& CurrentVelocity: The current velocity of the character.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing the character’s movement state.


  • FVector: The constrained velocity after considering root motion.



CalcAnimRootMotionVelocity calculates the velocity that should be applied to the character based on root motion data from animations over a given time frame.


  • const FVector& RootMotionDeltaMove: The movement delta generated by the root motion.
  • float DeltaSeconds: The time frame over which the root motion is applied.
  • const FVector& CurrentVelocity: The current velocity of the character.


  • FVector: The calculated velocity based on root motion.



GetAirControl calculates the character’s ability to control their movement while in the air. It takes into account factors like air control efficiency and current fall acceleration.


  • float DeltaTime: The time elapsed since the last update.
  • float TickAirControl: The air control factor for the current tick.
  • const FVector& FallAcceleration: The acceleration during falling.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing the character’s movement data.


  • FVector: The calculated air control vector.



FaceRotation updates the character’s rotation to face a new direction. This is commonly used to orient the character based on controller input or movement direction.


  • FRotator NewControlRotation: The new rotation the character should face.
  • float DeltaTime: The time elapsed since the last update.
  • const FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInput& Input: Input structure containing character rotation flags.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure where the character’s new rotation is set.


  • None (void method).



CheckJumpInput processes jump-related input for the character. It determines if jump conditions are met and initiates a jump if possible, while also handling jump count and timing.


  • float DeltaSeconds: The time elapsed since the last frame or simulation step.
  • const FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInput& Input: Input structure containing the jumping logic and related parameters.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure where the jump-related states and counters are updated.


  • None (void method).



ClearJumpInput manages the clearing of jump input states. It ensures that jump input is recognized for the appropriate duration and resets relevant jump states after processing.


  • float DeltaSeconds: The time elapsed since the last frame or simulation step.
  • const FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInput& Input: Input structure containing jump-related information.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure where jump input states are reset or updated.


  • None (void method).



CanJump evaluates whether the character is currently able to perform a jump. This method checks various conditions such as the character’s jump count, the current movement state, and crouch status.


  • const FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInput& Input: Input structure with methods and properties related to jumping capabilities.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure containing the character’s current jump count and other relevant states.


  • bool: true if the character can perform a jump, false otherwise.



ResetJumpState resets the character’s jump state, including the jump count, jump key hold time, and other related flags. This method is typically called when the character lands or when jump input is no longer valid.


  • const FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInput& Input: Input structure containing jump-related information.
  • FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncOutput& Output: Output structure where the character’s jump states are reset.


  • None (void method).

Utility Functions and Private Members

Utility Functions


Utility functions in FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInput provide additional support and calculations necessary for character movement. These functions handle tasks like constraining movement, applying forces, and managing movement-related calculations.

Key Utility Functions

  • ConstrainInputAcceleration: Restricts the input acceleration to ensure it aligns with the character’s current movement state.
  • ScaleInputAcceleration: Scales the input acceleration based on maximum acceleration values and character capabilities.
  • ComputeAnalogInputModifier: Calculates a modifier for analog input, which can affect movement smoothness and responsiveness.
  • ConstrainDirectionToPlane: Ensures that movement direction adheres to any plane constraints, useful in scenarios like wall running or slope movement.
  • ConstrainNormalToPlane: Adjusts normals (used in collision responses) to align with plane constraints.
  • ConstrainLocationToPlane: Modifies character location to respect plane constraints, preventing undesired movement outside the constrained area.

Private Members


Private members in FCharacterMovementComponentAsyncInput store essential data and state information used in the movement calculations. These members are not directly accessible outside the class but play a crucial role in the internal workings of character movement.

Key Private Members

  • MaxAcceleration: Stores the maximum acceleration value for the character.
  • GravityZ: Holds the gravity value applied along the Z-axis, affecting vertical movement.
  • GroundFriction: Represents the friction experienced by the character when moving on ground surfaces.
  • bCanEverCrouch: A boolean flag indicating whether the character is capable of crouching.
  • bOrientRotationToMovement: Determines if the character’s rotation should automatically orient to the direction of movement.
  • bUseControllerDesiredRotation: A flag to use the rotation desired by the controller, often used in AI-controlled characters.
  • bMaintainHorizontalGroundVelocity: Controls whether to maintain horizontal velocity when moving on slopes or steps.
  • bConstrainToPlane: Indicates whether movement is constrained to a specific plane.
  • PlaneConstraintNormal: The normal vector of the plane to which movement is constrained.
  • PlaneConstraintOrigin: The origin point of the plane used for movement constraints.