UGameFeatureAction_DataRegistry is a subclass of UGameFeatureAction, designed for handling data registries within the Unreal Engine 5 framework. This class focuses on the lifecycle management of data registries associated with game features, including their registration, activation, deactivation, and unregistration.


Core Functions

  • OnGameFeatureRegistering(): Called when a game feature is being registered. It preloads data registries if required.
  • OnGameFeatureUnregistering(): Invoked during the unregistering phase of a game feature, handling the temporary disabling of preloaded data registries.
  • OnGameFeatureActivating(): Executes when a game feature is activated, ensuring data registries are loaded and initialized if not preloaded during registration.
  • OnGameFeatureDeactivating(): Called when deactivating a game feature, handling the removal of data registries from consideration.

Utility Functions

  • ShouldPreloadAtRegistration(): Determines whether data registries should be preloaded during the registration phase, primarily based on the editor context and specific flags.

Editor-Only Functions

  • AddAdditionalAssetBundleData(): (Editor-only) Enhances asset bundle data with additional data registry assets.
  • IsDataValid(): (Editor-only) Validates the data registry setup, ensuring all registries are correctly specified and valid.


  • RegistriesToAdd: A list of data registry assets (UDataRegistry) to load and initialize.
  • bPreloadInEditor: A boolean flag indicating whether data registries should be preloaded in the Unreal Editor for supporting editor pickers.

Implementation Details

  • Utilizes LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE for localization support.
  • Employs conditional compilation with WITH_EDITOR and WITH_EDITORONLY_DATA for editor-specific functionalities.
  • Implements robust logging and debugging, leveraging UE_LOG for logging key actions and conditions.
  • Includes comprehensive error handling and validation mechanisms, especially within the editor context.
  • Compatible with editor mode and handles deprecated include orders (UE_ENABLE_INCLUDE_ORDER_DEPRECATED_IN_5_2).


UGameFeatureAction_DataRegistry is a specialized class for managing the lifecycle and integration of data registries in game features, particularly focusing on the preloading and initialization of these registries. It plays a crucial role in ensuring data registries are appropriately handled during different phases of a game feature’s lifecycle, especially in an editor environment.